The productivity cloud platform that allows you to keep control of your business

Share and collaborate on documents, send and receive e-mails, manage your calendar and discuss video with your colleagues and even with your customers in complete security.

As a fully dedicated solution, Nextcloud Hub offers the benefits of online collaboration without the risks of compliance and security.

Nextcloud collaboration platform

Nextcloud Hub

Nextcloud Hub is the first fully integrated open source collaborative work platform on the market, ready for a new generation of users who expect flawless online collaboration capabilities.

Nextcloud Files

Nextcloud Files offers a universal file access and synchronization platform with powerful collaboration capabilities and compatible desktop interfaces on mobile devices

Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud Talk offers private audio / video conferences and chat discussions via browser and mobile interfaces with the possibility of screen sharing and SIP integration.

Nextcloud Groupware

Nextcloud Groupware integrates calendar, contacts, messaging and other productivity features to help teams get their jobs done faster, easier and according to your constraints.



Protect, control and monitor data and communications within your organization. Guarantee compliance with commercial and legal requirements. Keep your data on the servers you own, at all times. Nothing is leaking, not even metadata.


Activate productivity on all platforms, whether in the office or on the go, to share, collaborate and communicate across organizational boundaries. Nextcloud provides transparent access to data on any storage.


Benefit from constant improvements from a prosperous and transparent community development model, entirely open source, free of locks or hidden costs. Take advantage of the benefits of our online support when you need it.


You are an educational institution, a training organization, a health organization, a financial institution, etc. and looking for a collaborative work solution? Whatever your sector of activity, we are committed to providing you with a technology perfectly suited to your business!


Nextcloud offers the highest security for protected health information.


Nextcloud has rich functionality for academic institutions and is perfectly integrated with Moodle.

Financial services

Nextcloud offers privacy, security and compliance.

Media and advertising

Nextcloud allows simple and efficient collaboration on large files.

Lawyers and notaries

Nextcloud assures your customers that their documents remain 100% confidential.

Construction and manufacturing

Nextcloud offers engineers simple and efficient user interfaces to deliver on time.


The most popular self-hosted collaboration solution for tens of millions of users in thousands of organizations worldwide


You need more information about OXABOX products and services?

Do not hesitate to contact our specialists for further information.